

Say Goodbye to Visual Difficulties After Cataract/ Refractive Eye Surgery, Train Your Brain to View Better, Faster

Did you just undergo eye surgery to treat your cataracts with multi focal intra ocular lenses? Or you chose to reduce dependency on eyeglasses by undergoing refractive error surgery?

Are you finally ready to get back to your old hobbies of reading/gardening/driving?
Are vision disturbances post-surgery, like double vision, blurring of vision or poor depth perception, keeping you from enjoying these hobbies?

Worry not though, as these visual disturbances are transient and treatable. With the latest technological advancements in post-surgical eye rehabilitation, the improvements in vision are quite rapid and remarkable.

Let us understand how and why these visual disturbances occur and what can you do about it:

What Happens During Cataract Eye Surgery?

Cataract surgery is performed when the lens in the eye becomes cloudy and is severely hampering one’s vision. The damaged lens is removed and a synthetic lens, known as an intraocular lens (IOL) is inserted in the place of the natural lens. This helps establish a clearer vision. One can opt for a multi focal IOL to get rid of distance and near glasses

What Happens During Refractive Eye Surgery?

When the eye is unable to focus an image on the retina, it is called refractive error.
Refractive eye surgery is an elective eye procedure, used to achieve freedom from eyeglasses or contact lenses and to correct refractive error. There are various techniques to correct the refractive error of the eyes such as using a laser to reshape the cornea (LASIK) or by implanting an intraocular lens such as a phakic IOL. Phakic IOL surgery is usually performed when the patient desires refractive error correction but has a high refractive error and/or is an unsuitable candidate for routine LASIK procedures.

How Does Vision Recover After Vision-corrective Eye Surgery?

Perfect vision is dependent on both – the eyes and the brain. Light impulses and imagery coming from the surroundings are focused by the individual eye lenses and visual inputs are then relayed to the brain. The brain interprets these two separate visual impulses and registers a meaningful single vision, letting one ‘see’ normally and clearly.

With cataract surgery, the old, damaged lens is replaced by a new synthetic IOL, whereas for refractive surgery, either the cornea is reshaped or a new phakic IOL is implanted in addition to the natural eye lens. The implanted IOL takes up the job of focusing visual imagery, and the brain now has to learn to interpret the new imagery relayed from the IOL.

New Lens, Same Brain

Over the years, the brain is comfortably synchronised to interpret the visual imagery coming from the natural eye lens. When a Multifocal IOL is implanted, various visual images of a single source are created from the different focusing areas of the IOL. Now, the brain has to learn to correctly interpret this unfamiliar imagery. This learning curve is known as ‘Neuroadaptation’

Why Do Binocular Visual Disturbances Occur After Vision-corrective Eye Surgery?

Cataract or refractive eye surgery may be completely successful, and one may have regained 20/20 visual acuity post-surgery, yet there are chances that one may not be completely satisfied with the surgery outcome. Post-surgery, patients are known to complain of binocular vision disorders such as:
  • Blurred vision
  • Double vision
  • Poor depth perception
These visual disturbances can occur in the initial weeks post surgery. It is thought that such disturbances occur as a result of the brain trying to adjust to interpret the images from the newly implanted intraocular lens and/or a newly reshaped cornea (in the case of LASIK surgery).
Over time, as the ‘neuroadaptation’ process occurs, the brain learns to adjust to the IOL and the vision may improve. It may take anywhere between 6 months to a year for the visual disturbances to resolve completely. For approximately 10% of the patients, the disturbances are persistent.

How Can Vision Quality Be Improved After Vision-corrective Eye Surgery?

If binocular visual disturbances are persistent after eye surgery, it is likely due to a slower neuroadaptation. In such cases, one must seek advice from their eye doctor, – who will perform a thorough eye check-up to rule out other possible causes of visual disturbance – and may advise to engage in certain technology-based activities that can help the brain adapt faster to the newly implanted IOL and/or the reshaped cornea.

Can The Brain Be Trained to View Better?

The brain possesses a unique property called ‘Neuroplasticity’ which allows the brain and the network of nerves to continuously remodel and adapt to changes. Because of its ability to adapt to changes in stimuli, it is possible to train the brain and the nerve network to learn and interpret the newer imagery coming from the IOL. This training can help reduce binocular visual disturbances after vision-corrective eye surgery.
Until recently, most eye surgeons advised the patient to wait it out and counselled them that the visual disturbances will fade with time. Now, newer and advanced techniques are available to help the brain navigate the learning curve quickly so that the individual can rapidly achieve a clearer vision.
NeoAdaptor from Bynocs is an eye-rehabilitation program specifically designed for patients having visual disturbances – such as blurring, double vision, poor depth perception after vision-corrective eye surgery.
This program involves playing interactive games on a patented software interface utilizing specialized eyewear.
These interactive games offer simultaneous and separate stimulation to both eyes and thereby help improve the contrast sensitivity of images. The training enhances the brain’s response to visual stimuli and helps it to correctly interpret the visual stimuli coming from the newly fitted IOL. This hastens the process of neuroadaptation, thereby reducing visual disturbances like blurring, double images and rapidly improves depth perception.

Advanced yet Easy

Undergoing a Bynocs-NeoAdaptor eye-rehabilitation program is easy and requires minimal equipment.
Once a person is prescribed the Bynocs-NeoAdaptor eye-rehabilitation program after vision-corrective eye surgery, the necessary sessions may be undertaken in the eye-speciality clinic or at home.
One needs an internet connection with a computer and special anaglyph glasses given by Bynocs. To perform the technique correctly, optometrist guidance is available through a video call.
Now that you know it is possible to rapidly improve vision after the vision-corrective eye surgery, say goodbye to blurred and double vision.
Train your brain to view better, faster.

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